Friday, October 22, 2010

Hebrews Bible Study Week Two: Thursday

A New Suit!

Focused Passage: Hebrews 2:13-18

Daily Readings: Leviticus 4, 6:24-30; 1 Cor. 15:20-22; 1 Peter 1:18-19; 2 Cor. 5:21

When I was in college, I was a part of a great “college group” at one of the local churches. We gathered for weekly Bible studies, held a soup kitchen for the homeless, and once a year went on a retreat at a camp up on the mountain. During one retreat and for the entertainment of the girls, a “Best Woman” contest was held. Several of us guys were made up as women. The girls picked out our clothes and put make up on each of us. We were really quite “beautiful.” The moderator then asked us questions similar to those asked at a beauty contest. We answered the best we could in a feminine, high pitched voice. We walked the stage in our high heeled shoes to show off our beauty. We provided great fun and laughter to the audience. Did I win? No, unfortunately, I don’t make a very good woman!

Can you imagine what it was like for God to put on flesh and blood? To leave the glory of experience the pain of death? It wasn’t just an embarrassing moment…it was a humiliating moment. Yet He did this to help us in our sinfulness. (Al Wiggins)

1. Jesus has been described by some as “God with clothes on.” How is that an oversimplification of who Jesus was while He walked the Earth?

2. Why did Christ have to be made in every way like us to make atonement for our sin?

3. How is the fact that Jesus was tempted like us, an encouragement and an inspiration to you? How should that change how you view temptation and suffering in the future?

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