Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hebrews Bible Study - Monday

Monday – “Can you hear Me now?”

Let’s be honest…We all can name the company that made the slogan, “Can you hear me now?” famous...come on…you know it…Yes! That’s right! Verizon! Verizon has used this slogan to sell their service to millions of people around the world. Whether you have Verizon or not, you have probably used this phrase to describe your cell service as well.

Hebrews begins with a statement that sets the tone for the rest of the letter…that God has spoken to us through His Son, Jesus Christ (1:2). As we study through Hebrews, this same question is going to come back to us over and over again… “Will we hear Him now?”

Daily Reading: Colossians 3:16-17; Matthew 13:18-23; James 1-2

1. In Christ’s parable of the soils, what is the significance of each soil and how are they a picture into our lives of listening?

2. James tells us to be quick to listen (1:19)…doers not just hearers (1:22)…How are you doing as a listener and doer? What areas of your life do you believe you could listen better?

3. How do you prepare yourself to “let the Word of Christ dwell in richly” (Col. 3:16) every day? What are other ways that you can prepare yourself to hear and do God’s Word?

4. Have I really heard the Word of God in the person and the teaching and the work of the Son?


  1. Ok So I am running a couple of days behind and am playing catch up!
    The verse Col. 3:16 sticks out the most for me. "let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.." When I think of what "richly" means.. well food comes to mind... :) When we describe a food that is really rich we mean it's thick and sits in your stomach. You don't need/want anything else because it has filled the space. Well that makes since to me! Let Word of Christ fill up the space! Amen?

  2. K-Tribe...So true and great illustration! That we would be so satisfied with Christ and His Word that anything else...it just wouldn't be necessary. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
