Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hebrews Bible Study: Hebrews 11 - Monday

Monday – We’re all Rebels!

Focus passage: Hebrews 10:26-31

Read: Exodus 32:1-35; Psalm 94:1-11; Acts 13:38-41; John 3:36

The book of Exodus is a narrative of how God rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and lead them to the promises land. Throughout the journey, God intervened to save them and provide for them. For example, He showed them how to save their first born from the angel of death during the last plague in Egypt, the first Passover. When they left Egypt, the Egyptians gave them gold, silver, and clothing, whatever the Israelites asked for. God parted the Red Sea, sent manna and quail to feed them, made water come from a rock, and helped them defeat the Amalekites. God even showed them how to live in relationship to Him and gave them the tabernacle as a place of worship. But they still disobeyed. Even though they had witnessed their own deliverance and had knowledge of the truth, the Israelites rebelled. At one point they even made a golden calf to worship (Exodus 32). As a result, several thousand died at the hand of God because of their deliberate disobedience.

Most of you reading this have knowledge of the truth and a relationship with Christ. You can testify of God’s faithfulness in your life and the lives of people you know. Yet we still rebel against God sometimes. If we take time to consider our sin, we’ll recognize our own deliberate disobedience. Let our focus passage for today be a warning and inspiration to stand firm against that sin.

1. What sin of deliberate disobedience do you find in your life?

2. How does the idea that you’re “trampling the Son of God underfoot” when you sin, affect you?

3. How will the scripture you read today help you stand against sin?

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