Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hebrews Bible Study: Hebrews 10 - Tuesday

Tuesday – A Better Life

Focus passage: Hebrews 9:27-28

Read: 2 Samuel 14:14; Isaiah 59:12-21

Recently my son asked me if cats really have nine lives. After a good chuckle, I told him ‘no’. It seems that cats seem to be good at getting out of potentially life threatening situations. For example, they run across the street, a car barely missing them. They can also fall out of a tree and land on their feet! Nevertheless, they live only one life and then die just like us.

Jesus came to earth and lived one life, too. Since He lived a sinless life, the sacrifice of His perfect blood as atonement for our sin was needed just once. He died once for all sin for all people. The focus passage says that Jesus will come back, too. He’ll come to bring our sanctification process to a conclusion, to complete our journey toward being like Him.

1. If Jesus is coming back someday to sanctify completely everyone who is waiting for Him (He’ll make us like Himself) Heb. 9:28, why do we need to grow to be more Christ like now?

2. In what ways do you live purposefully for God’s kingdom, knowing you have only one life to live (as Jesus did)?

3. Spend time thanking Christ for that time when He will complete the process of making you into a new creature.

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