Sunday, December 23, 2012

Ruth: Christmas Redemption

Deeper Faith Study
Ruth Part Four: Christmas Redemption
Topic: Christmas Redemption

Open: Describe a time that you bought a gift and it ended up being a bad deal:

Read: Ruth 4; Matthew 1-2

1. What is interesting about Boaz’s salutation (“friend” vs. 1) to the other potential kinsman redeemer?
2. Explain the focus of this passage on the word “name:”
3. Why doesn’t the potential kinsman redeemer take the land? Why? How does following Christ affect our inheritance?
4. Describe the statement in verse 14 as it relates to redemption: How does the baby bring about redemption
5. How would you connect the story of Ruth with the Christmas story?
Pray: Pray that you would grasp the depth of your redemption in Christ
“Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without a redeemer, and may His name be renowned in Israel!”                Ruth 4:14

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