Friday – If it ain’t broke…
Focus Passage: Hebrews 6:9-19
Read: Prov. 15:19; Prov. 24:30-34; James 5:10-11; Ephesians 5:1-2
We have all probably heard this well known phrase, “If it ain’t broke…don’t fix it.” Usually this phrase has something to do with an item that may not be broken, but definitely is not what it used to be. I remember having a car (74’ Nova) that demonstrated the truth of this statement. It was everything but great…but it wasn’t broke. And I drove it until I couldn’t drive it anymore.
Many people look at life in the same way. We continue to live in the same way but expect a different result. Or we just settle for the result we get. It’s not broke…so we don’t fix it. But what if brokenness is a short time away? Could our lives as Christians run a little smoother…a little more focused now to preempt a problem area? While not knowing what can happen tomorrow, there is one standard that will never be broken…the promises of God. Never needing fixed…we can trust God’s promises as the place to “tune-up” our lives.
1. How does this passage connect with the previous passages? How does moving away from elementary principles help us in holding onto the promises of God?
2. We are given the illustration of Abraham as a picture of the hope that we have in God’s promises. What Scriptural promises come to mind?
3. What areas of your life could use a little more reflection? Why?