Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hebrews Bible Study: Hebrews 12:18-29 - Monday

Monday – High Standards

Focus passage: Hebrews 12:18-21

Read: Exodus 19; Romans 4:13-15; Romans 7:4-6

I once worked for a supervisor who a reputation for being hard, harsh, and abrasive. This man set high standards and expected subordinates to meet those standards. His reputation and firm methods created a lot of fear in those who worked for him. Many couldn’t or wouldn’t submit to his kind of authority and left the company. But those who persevered eventually understood why he did what he did.

When God gave the law to Moses it created fear in the Israelites because they knew God required perfect obedience. The consequences for disobedience were frequently severe. Many of the people struggled and didn’t see why God gave them a law they couldn’t fully obey. They didn’t understand that He was pointing the way toward intimate relationship with Him.

1. As Christians, we have not come to a Mount Sinai full of darkness and gloom, yet some are still afraid of God. Why?

2. What gets in the way of our fully accepting the fact that Jesus came to fulfill the law so that we don’t have to?

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