Monday, November 15, 2010

Hebrews Bible Study: Hebrews 4, 7 Tuesday

Tuesday – Certainty

Focus passage: Hebrews 4:16

Read: Psalm 71:5; Isaiah 32:17; Ephesians 3:12; Philippians 3:1-6

How confident are you that your football team will win the Super Bowl (Ok…honestly, if you are a Redskins fan don’t answer)? Seriously, how confident are you? Could your team be upset in the playoffs?

How confident are you that you will be alive tomorrow? Next week? Next year?

The fact is our confidence is wrapped up in the certainty of the result. If we are pretty certain of the results, then our confidence will be great. If the certainty is wavering, then our confidence is lacking.

The writer of Hebrews reminds us of the confidence we can have in Christ. The fact that He endured what we are facing gives us great confidence that we can endure. Even Christ lived with the certainty that salvation would be wrapped in His sacrifice. He lived out the confidence of that certainty. How much more can we who are of Christ…have confidence that we will receive mercy and help in every situation?

1. According to Scripture, what certainties do you have in Christ? How does this affect your confidence?

2. What things can hinder your confidence in Christ? How can you set these hindrances aside?

3. How does knowing that Christ understands your struggle aid your confidence?

4. What role does the mind play in your confidence?

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