Thursday, March 31, 2011

Moving Piles in Haiti!

Haiti Missions Team Update for Thursday:

Another scorching day in Haiti. High 90's with a blistering sun. Another day of work on Pastor Luc St. Felix's church. With the roof being done, we were sequested behind the church to make concrete for the walls of the church. If you have ever made concrete in a foreign country (or your old enough to remember a pre-machinery country) you know how difficult it can be. They take a pile of rocks and sift it, not once, but twice. The first time to get the small peices...the second to get the refined sand. This meant we had to move piles of rocks...not once, not twice, but three times until it was mixed with concrete, which of course was mixed by hand. We then carried the buckets into the church so it could be "slapped" on the walls. Amazing, difficult process.

We were able to get everything set up at the church for them to finish the concrete in the building. It is a beautiful building, especially by Haiti's standards. It will eventually be able to hold up to 800 people. If you have never met Pastor Luc...that man will fill that building. He has a great passion to reach the lost of Haiti. It is such privilege to be a part of not only what the Lord is doing in Hagerstown...but the influence that we can have around the world. Here in Haiti...that impact is profound. We look forward to future trips and deeper relationships.

The highlight of the day was the service tonight. I always am profoundly amazed when the Lord puts the worship service together in a very pointed way. Our preaching actually began before we left for the service at the church. One of the guests at the compound is from Holland. He and a team are here working to help the Haitian people rebuild their country. As we were sitting at dinner with our Bibles we began to have a conversation about the reality of God, specifically the existence of Christ. What an opportunity to share the gospel with someone from Europe. Unfortunately, the conversation confirms the feeling of sadness I have felt about Europe. Europe truly has become a post-Christian region...where even the idea of Christ's existence comes into question. And to think that he attends a church in Holland. A church where Christ isn't seen as real. Can you imagine? A well educated man, but lacking greatly in understanding. We weren't only able to share Christ, but also to give him some proofs in regards to the truth of Christ. I praise the Lord for a great apologetics ministry (TruthBomb Apologetics) at FCF. Much of what has been learned was able to be used. Please pray for Johann...that he would be willing to research truth and not just give into a humanistic philosophy with no basis of reality.

The worship service was phenomenal. We were able to sing Amazing Grace together (I know you might laugh at that if you know any of us :-) We are actually thinking about starting our own band...The Missionstrippers). Rick Everett, Richard Heller, and Mike McNamee all shared their testimonies. It was amazing how the Lord worked each testimony to build on each other and allow the church to hear a clear presentation of the gospel. I was then able to preach from Hebrews 4...reminding them about Jesus our High Priest. The entire service the people were very intent on what was being said and many comments were made about the challenge that they heard.

Following the service, on our way back to the compound, Pastor Luc said that the people listened intently to what we shared...that there was hunger for the teaching that was given. Let me be straight...this was a huge encouragement to me. It would be easy to get bunches of people to make a decision and tell you the stats. Many Pastors and church leaders do this. But tonight, the people were taught the Word of God (through both testimony and message) in an accurate way...and they loved it. They were challenged...yet not manipulated...and God moved piles of lives. I can't tell you the altar was packed...that would be too easy. But people's idea of Christ was transformed. Transformation mission...that's the call of the church.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Pastor Dave for letting God use you and for speaking the Truth to the people of Haiti! We're praying for you and the rest of the team as you return home.
